Fresh & Easy came to Ignited at a time when they were in a relatively bad situation. They were nearing bankruptcy and customers were convinced the doors were already closed for good.
They were in need of an immediate and bold campaign that let people know they were still in business and they were here to stay. So what did we do? We went and changed their name from Fresh & Easy to F&Easy.
For a complete campaign overview, watch the following F&Easy case-study.
Radio. "Ingredients." The F&Easy campaign kicked off with a massive MERCURY AWARD WINNING AND CANNES FINALIST radio campaign. Lucky for us, only 20% of radio stations refused to play it. Props to Jeff Marx, Tony Award winning writer of Avenue Q, for developing the music.
TV. "We Are Here To Stay." Television, and one enormous cow, helped us tell our story to the world - that F&Easy is still here and not going anywhere, anytime soon.
OOH. In-store POS. Trucks. "Now that's F&Easy."
Digital. "Wheel of Easy." The "Wheel of Easy" gave people a literal taste of how easy it is to get great food and deals at F&Easy, resulting in an 88% increase in website visitors.
Social Content. Just a couple highlights... A talking piece of in-store POS surprises F&Easy shoppers, real-time Instagram video responses, a grocery store musical, TGI-F&Easy and a ukelele treasure hunt on Facebook.
Surprised loyal Instagram fans with real-time video responses.
1) A music video that took place in a grocery store. 2) TGI-F&Easy Facebook Specials 3) Facebook Ukulele Hunt